To Find Mr. Right or Miss Right This common phrase denoting the ideal romantic partner has been in use since 1922 when the Irish author James Joyce coined the expression. 找到真爱自从1922年爱尔兰作家JamesJoyce使用这个表达后,这个表示理想伴侣的常见短语被广为使用。
Whichever method you use ( cheat's version at right), once the chocolate reaches its ideal condition, it's mixed with butter and coated in chocolate to create scrumptious truffles. 无论你使用了哪种山寨方法,一旦巧克力达到理想状态,与黄油混合,外加巧克力包裹,美味的松露巧克力即可大功告成。
The structure of right primitive additive category with minimum right ideal 关于含有极小右理想的右本原加法范畴的结构
Based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you're applying for? 根据你刚才对我们行业的了解,你现在申请的这个职位和你期望的职位有什么差别?
There is nothing the matter with Americans except their ideals; the real American is all right; it is the ideal American who is all wrong. 除了他们的理想以外,美国人别无其他问题;真正的美国人是并无问题的;唯理想主义的美国人可就全错了。
Abstract A ring R is called right principally quasi-Baer ( or simply right p.q.Baer) if the right annihilator of every principal right ideal of R is generated by an idempotent. 称环R为右主拟Baer环(简称为右p·q.Baer环),如果R的任意主右理想的右零化子可由幂等元生成。
About Radical Right Ideal 关于根右理想
The Properties of Prefix Root of Right Convex Ideal Languages 右凸理想语言的前缀根特征
It is discussed that the relation between the finiteness of a completely 0-simple semigroup and chain conditions on the lattice of its congruences from the view of its left ( right) ideal when it has not any infinite subgroups. 从左(右)理想的角度,讨论了完全0-单半群在它不含无限于群时,它的有限性与其同余格的链条件之间的关系。
Let N be a prime near-ring with center Z, I a right ideal of N, D a non-trival derivations of N. 设N是中心为Z的素近环,I是N的右理想,D是N上的非平凡导子。
Based on the comparative analysis of the present legislative patterns of the transference of real right, the paper presents the ideal pattern-the Creditor's rights pattern. 在对各国现有几种物权变动模式进行优劣比较的基础上,指出债权形式主义模式是物权变动较为理想的一种模式,值得借鉴;
The paper point out the necessity and basic of setting up new model of teaching management assessment, based on actual analysis of teaching management assessment. And elaborate that it should do five things to new teaching management assessment model: leaders set up right ideal; 本文从教学管理评价的现状分析入手,提出建立新的教学管理评价模式的必要性及理论基础,进而指出新型教学管理评价模式的建立应从五个方面开展工作:领导者树立正确理念;
( 2) A satisfies the maximum condition on right annihilators, and r ( I) is an essential right ideal. A对右零化子适合极大条件,且r(I)是A的一个本质右理想。
Right ideal of BCI-Algebra and ideal BCI-Algebra BCI代数的右理想及理想BCI代数
R/ Soc ( R_R) is a right V-ring if and only if every proper essential right ideal E of R is an intersection of maximal right ideals, if and only if there exists a singular semisimple right R-module which is quasi-dual. 设R为环,我们考虑下面两个条件。2每一个R的本质真右理想是极大右理想的交;3存在一个奇异半单右R-模是quasi-dual的。
It is proved that A is a group division order primitive ring with extremely small division order right ideal if and only if A is a group division order dense linear transform ring with finite rank linear transform. 证明了A为含有极小右理想的群分次本原环的充要条件是A为含有有限秩线性变换的群分次稠密线性变换环。
In this paper, it has proved that Let R be a Prime ring and I be a nonzero right ideal of R. 该文证明了:R是一个素环,I是R的一个非零的右理想。
Some further discussion about I-Right regular element and i-regular right ideal 对I-右正规元、I-正规右理想的进一步探讨
The paper gives the structure of a kind of division order ring which is between the division order Artin ring and the division order primitive ring, i. e., the structure of the group division order primitive ring with extremely small right ideal. 给出了介于群分次Artin环与群分次本原环之间的一种群分次环,即含有极小右理想的群分农本原环的结构。
In this paper, we first give the structure of R [ D, C], including its maximal, minimal right ideals and the structure of its Jacobson radical, socle and singular right ideal as well. 在本文中,我们首先给出了R[D,C]的一些结构,包括它的极大、极小右理想和它的Jacobson根、基座以及奇异右理想,顺便列举了它们的相关结果。
Some results of right primitive additive category with extremely right ideal are proved. 给出了含有极小右理想的右本原加范畴结构的某些结果(见[3])的证明。
Moral Education in Chinese Teaching of middle school can help students form right philosophy, develop ideal personality and shape a good character. 语文教学中的德育具有帮助学生树立正确人生观,形成理想人格,塑造良好个性的意义。
The concepts of right ideal and ideal BCI-algebra are introduced and some characters are discussed. 引入了右理想和理想BCI&代数的概念,通过对它们的讨论,得到了一些基本性质。
To Adopt a Firm and Right Ideal and Conviction 必须牢固树立坚定正确的理想信念
The quality of ideological and political worker at colleges not only influence the reform of idealism teaching, teaching quality, but has great impact on students 'right ideas and ideal improvement. 高校思想政治工作者具有什么样的观念素质,不仅对思想品德课教学改革的成败,教学质量的提高有直接影响,而且对大学生正确观念的形成和观念素质的提高有很大影响。
Based on this viewpoint, this article proposes that the property right orientation state-owned enterprise reform is ideal pattern, but the control system orientation state-owned enterprise reform is realistic pattern. 鉴此,本文提出,产权取向的国有企业改革是理想模式,而管理制度取向的国有企业改革才是现实模式。
We prove that the ( upper) rough-fuzzy semigroup and the left ( right, two-side) ideal are the generalization of corresponding notions defined on the fuzzy semigroup. 随后,证明了上粗模糊子半群与上粗模糊理想是通常的模糊子半群与模糊理想概念的扩张。
Therefore, a culture that can organically combine the pursuit of an ideal world order and the essential connotation of itself is the right ideal basics of such world order. 因此,能够把对理想的世界秩序的追求和文化自身的本质内涵有机结合的文化必然是这种世界秩序的理想基础。
Makes the real right transformation under the existing land ownership system to the countryside land contracting right of management is one kind of ideal choice. 在现有的土地所有权制度下对农村土地承包经营权进行物权化改造是一种理想的选择。
Individual political and economical free right are related with the ideal of Freedman associate of Marx. 从根本上说,个人政治和经济自由权的发展是与马克思的自由人联合体的理想相联系的。